70 is the New 40: Bonus Years Here We Come


This book is for people like you who are within 3-20 years of retirement and frustrated because the job no longer feeds your mind, stirs the heart or nourish the inner spirit. You’re on an emotional roller-coaster lamenting over life-planning choices and paradigm shifts of ‘What’s Next’ after retirement. If you feel ‘’old’’ and tired more days than not or have given up on a few dreams because you think you’re too old, then this book is for you.

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70 is the New 40: Bonus Years Here We Come

by Barbara Penn-Atkins

This book is for people like you who are within 3-20 years of retirement and frustrated because the job no longer feeds your mind, stirs the heart or nourish the inner spirit. You’re on an emotional roller-coaster lamenting over life-planning choices and paradigm shifts of ‘What’s Next’ after retirement. If you feel ‘’old’’ and tired more days than not or have given up on a few dreams because you think you’re too old, then this book is for you. Have you been waiting for someone or something to help you make your dreams-deferred come true? It is time for breakthrough thinking. 70 is the New 40 is a life planning guide to staying young in the mind, overcoming obstacles, and mastering your time, talents, and treasurers to live a life of phenomenal joy.

In an enthusiastic, easy-to-understand, direct style, Barbara Atkins shares her practical philosophy and new approaches to living life better. Her inspiring and meaningful exercises will stimulate new ways of thinking about your view of “old age”, to help you break down self-imposed barriers and show you how to turn your next phase of life into a life of significance at any age. 70 is the New 40 is for you. It shows the reader how to rise above stereotypical thinking about growing older. It transforms attitudes about aging. It boosts views of high potential for new internal and external images of self with pride. It encourages each stage of the maturation process as a time to re-fire, re-invent, turbo-charge and re-order priorities.

You will take quantum leaps toward planning for what matters most to you, and you will embrace each day with revived mental strength and grace for the new normal in aging. You cannot read this book without being reenergized to act.

This essential resource for personal development will make a difference in your life and the lives of those with whom you’re connected. It will make you think, laugh, cries, and wonder why you hadn’t discovered your talents this way before. You will want to share the experience with friends, family, and co-workers who can benefit from these lessons.


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